
Apg conference 2021
Apg conference 2021

apg conference 2021

SLIG offers a full week of genealogy instruction with national experts. PMC 2014 is being held two days before the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG), held 13-17 January 2014 at the Radisson Hotel in downtown Salt Lake City. PMC attendees can receive special hotel pricing at the Radisson and up to 10% off Delta airline tickets. Visit for full lecture details and speaker biographies and to register to attend PMC 2014. Mary Penner - Workshop - It’s Not a Report.

apg conference 2021


CeCe Moore - Workshop - Advanced DNA for Professionals NEW BRIGHTON, Minn., November 17, 2022-APi Group Corporation (NYSE: APG) (APG, APi or the Company) is holding an investor update meeting this morning.Angela Packer McGhie - (1) Writing a Genealogy Business Plan and (2) Networking for Genealogists: Making Connections Online and In-Person.Melissa Johnson - Discovering and Communicating Your Unique Value: Personal Branding for Professional Genealogists.Jean Wilcox Hibben, PhD, CG - Gaining Recognition in the Genealogical Community: Climbing the Professional Ladder.Harold Henderson, CG - Workshop - The Story of Jethro’s Story: The Making of a NGSQ Article 6.0 rpg and 5.0 apg to secure his first Bill Russell Finals MVP award.Brisson-Banks, MLIS, AG - The Pursuit from Genealogy Hobbyist to Professional Mark Lowe, CG, FUGA - Lights! Camera! Connection! Will Genealogy-Based TV Improve My Business? Russell, JD, CG, CGL - Saturday Keynote - “Good Name in Man or Woman”: Protecting a Professional Reputation Joshua Taylor, MA, MLS - Friday Keynote - New Industries, New Worlds: Working for Entertainment and Corporate Clients Ten genealogical speakers with wide-ranging expertise will cover topics in keeping with this year’s theme of “Embracing Innovation and Opportunity”: Details about Virtual PMC will come later this year. Registration is now available at as are pricing and program details. Attendees may choose to attend the full conference or a single day. PMC attendance is open to APG members and non-members. Working with entertainment and corporate clients.Featuring 8 classes and 3 hands-on workshops, PMC offers a wide variety of fresh ideas about how professionals conduct genealogy: PMC offers interactive, relevant guidance in advanced genealogical research skills and in business practices relevant to today’s professional and advanced genealogists. Early-bird registration for the 2014 Professional Management Conference (PMC), “Embracing Innovation and Opportunity,” is now open online at The two-day conference will be held at the Radisson Hotel in downtown Salt Lake City on 10–11 January 2014.

Apg conference 2021